Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Tail of #566

16 hounds gathered at Studio K for our first Thursday trail of 2010. It would have been 17 but some virgin went back to change and he never came back. Oh, but there is always another trail. Buck up was deposited and many suds swallowed as the pack gradually ventured toward trail, which is a tradition of the IEH3, gradually getting our asses out of the pub and on trail.

The Ever’s were first out and must have got lost as we never heard a whistle or a sight of them. Maybe they were prospecting for the 567th trail in two weeks. Hope they are well and we see them again.

Virgin Hares Cums in Spurts & Homo Erectus went big and small with the checks on this trail. I guess that is the difference between a spurt and an erectus. Anyway, I was left thinking of an old Sunday School song entitled Deep and Wide – but I digress. Yet as always we wondered our way locating diagonal marks which suggested turns but ended up as straight On On’s, especially at some intersections. As all our hash trails go there were enough whistles blown to keep hounds progressing. But at times I think Beaver and Pink were left wondering what the F, as hounds went left, right, back, and forward.

But the trail actually made a nice repeating circle jerk here and there. Or is that more correctly stated as a Skate America Composite Figure Eight. Those flacks were here again this year, right? Thus the hares should be complemented on such a feat. Yet, I am concerned of the recent tradition of having an ABSOLUTE A – B TRAIL WHERE THE B IS A BS / CIRCLE. What happened to the days of a BS during trail and then the circle? Well I guess we need some hares to buck up and set things right.

Our circle was conducted in Homo’s yard as he didn’t want shit on the patio, I guess. We did have a future hasher observe the festivities and quickly named her “Make No Eye or Voice Contact”. Seems she was always calling for someone. Thus circle was held and the RA dropped his beer a few times. But we all cherished being hashers, having hares, and enjoying the fact we have a happy kennel.

The Pack wishes happy travels for Cums in Spurts and Valenteenie’s trip to VEGAS for Valenteenies 25th B Day.

So Scribed and Known to be True,
Trancid Nuts

Upcumming Trail:
#567 May 27th @ 6:00PM
Fish Lake Trail Head (who said)
South on Government Way across the Sunset Highway (More specific Destructions will follow)
Hare: RA TerminatorOutdoor start so Buck Up is $1 for a Beer or $20 for Five, ha.

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