Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hash #531 - Illinois Bar Tail of the Trail

It was a cold and blustery Saturday---actually it wasn't that cold and it definitely wasn't blustery. About a dozen harty Hashers showed up at a secret location in the northwest part of Spokane. It must have been a secret because a lot of Hashers never showed up. We left the bar at the anounced starting time of 2:45 PM. After a short ice talk, we milled around for about five minutes until trail was found across the street. After several short back checks, we headed south. There was not a back 69, but I am sure if you added up all the back checks they would total 69.

We headed down over the hill to the railroad tracks as a planned sledding hill. The sledding was great if you didn't mind a little mud and a few big rocks. We continued on across a retaining wall (though several hounds whimped out and stayed on the Centennial Trail) to the Avista parking lot where this nice blond bimbo offered us sone beer and hot dogs.

After a short break we were back on trail… well sort of. We had a little trouble going around Mission Park – maybe it was the turkey/eagle split or maybe it was just half-a-mind hashers. Finally we arrived at the Gonzaga campus in time to mingle with the basketball fans arriving for a game. After climbing over a larger than average snow pile, we made it to the Bulldog Tavern for a quick brew. From there it was a round-a-bout way to the On-In, back at the Illinois.

The Hashers in attendance were Anal Remorse, at least 3 Evers, Boner, Valenteeny, Bev, Waffle Nuts, Party Stick (with leftover Costco Belgian chocolates from Spokane Discount), The Beast, Defloured, new boot Jen, our hare 3-Dogs and the Hot dog lady. There may have been others, but I don't remember. Sometimes I don't remember if I was there.

To the best of my memory, Terminator

Pink Pecker showed up after the hash during circle and we even had a spectator ask to join the circle so we awarded him with a down-down song. The double-D mug was a bit much for the guy and he unknowingly removed the vessel from his lips. When told he’d have to pour the beer “on him” he dribbled a little onto his shoes. Oh well, he wasn’t instructed properly before his song.


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