Sunday, September 21, 2008

A F------ Tropical Theme Hash

Hash #524
Chilly and Valenteenie
Corner Club

Wear a Tropical shirt and let's get "laid"!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hash Cumming

Hash #523 Hot Rod and Spooner- Swamp 09/18.

Hash #524 Chilly and Valenteenie - Corner Club 10/4
It will be a Tropical Them Hash. Wear a Tropical shirt and let's get "laid"!

Hash #525 Everspreader 10/18 (already confirmed with Ever last night) venue to be announced.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Re-HASH IEH3 521

Well Hey, hey, hey…about time someone got their sh*t together and began doing their mismanagement job in which they were erected to do, butt then again erections are forthcumming so maybe someone will be a better scribe than………….me

521 Bayou Bar and Grill—Former Party Stick “waterin’ hole” place where Topless Barbie showed up and enamored Spooner Boy, but “Oh! Wait, I have a Boyfriend” yeah and where the hell is he now????????????????????????????

I digress…Re-Hash of the #521

A lovely day to HASH—cool weather, hail, rain and rainbows—did you know that if you have a double rainbow that the colors are reversed? Yep take a peek the next time!

Thirteen hardy hounds decided they had nothing better to do on a Thursday night than follow flour on a Scratch and Sniff Trail. Of course, being that it was a Thursday night and had rained, hailed and was cool, what does the pack of the IEH3 do—they check suck even before the start, downing several extra pitchers of foam prior to deciding to go find the hare. After searching for flour, trail was eventually found heading—who said—south towards the river a crafty hare who recently completed the Spokane-to-Sandpoint (yes she and other participants drank a down-down for their transgressions) took the pack on a nice leisurely run out in the fields and roads of east SpoCanada Valley, turn left, turn right, turn left…check suck here, check suck there and hope to hell there is still some beer somewhere…trail eventually was found through a recently cut field to a perfect beer stop along the river looking across to Liberty Lake—guess someone is in the Ironman training mode already! Beer was consumed although a few in the pack decided to take a more leisurely approach to following trail. As Beav, Chilly Cheeks, Terminator and Chia Crack were found playing in the hay as the front runnin bastards and biotches all were on back to the Bayou…the trail beers were shared with the lolly gaggers and they enjoyed the 3 slips of backwash from the Beast and others.

On In it was and circle was held on the patio…with the RA (JPFBH) deciding well if I can not make it to the trail at least I get to do at least one or three down downs for showing up to Circle. Down-downs were completed for the usual transgressions: backsliding, participating in extra curricular *unning activities (team Beast Van #2 did IEH3 proud by consuming 3 cases of beer in 28 hours 44 minutes on the Spokane-to-Sandpoint Relay) and although Scratch did not consume that much she gained the irk of her team by “drinking beer” prior to the relay AND had more while on the *un—On On!!

Thanks to all who came-HUH to the # 521…Beaver, Chia Crack, Chilly Cheeks, DeFlowered, the EVERS-Hard, Ready and Spreader, Hot Rod—Go Jesters!, Party Stick, Terminator and The Beast Masturbator………AND New Booty Travis, who through his excellent Pilfering Peter Sponge Bob No Pants Porno Sniffing Skills will be forever known as UNCLE PERVY! On On # 522 Special K on Sept. 4th S. Hill—Valenteenie.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cum One, Cum All

When: September 4th, 2008 6:30pm
Where: The Studio K Bar and Grill
2800ish E 29th Ave.
SpoCanada South Hill WA
Who: Valenteenie Ass
Why: Cuz Thursday is a HASHing day